Michael's Blogger Shower

Welcome to my Google sponsored shower! I like to spout out the thoughts jumbled in my head, My original blog no longer exists.If you want to be able to post comments, contact me. :)

Sunday, January 21, 2018

History is everywhere

When we first got cable, around the time when I was in high school, I recall that most everyone in the family thought the History Channel was never going to be watched. It did not take long before I noticed it had become quite popular. They do a great job making history interesting.

I have had several conversations with a friend who seems very adamant against visiting historical sites and what not. She said they were not accurate. How could she gauge that if she wasn’t there herself I wondered.

People have faulty memories and to prove her point my friend asked what I did seven weeks ago. I responded that if I kept a journal I could look it up. Later I thought about other sources that could jog my memory or help piece together what happened on the day in question: other people’s accounts, news articles, photos from the day, my location recorded by my phone, etc.

I would not call myself a history buff, but I do enjoy a good history lesson of sorts. I admit there are descepinsees in a few stories I have heard over the years but it’s not my job to iron it all out. Besides, there is more history to learn from.


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