First time my Kindle Fire completely locked up. "What the?*
New boards. "A lot better than my test solution."
Nice day so far. "Breaksst at IHOP is always good,."
Dang it. "Stupid Patriots."
Friday the 13th. "How should I celebrate?"
Cloud please. "Got skills?"
I admit I have been playing more games lately. "Good to see Zynga outside of Facebook."
I have so many devices already. "Should I get rid of some? Or replace a few with a smart phone?"
With every new gadget, we get cooler and cooler stuff. "Glad I can't afford all the toys myself."
Rfc2898DeriveBytes? Interesting. See:
Frustraded with the Kindle Fire,I found myself yelling at it. "Lousy Apple and it's s ease of use."
The digital picture frame was not a touch screen. "Oh well, I thought I'd try."
What are your New Year's resolutions? "Mine are usually the same every year."
Happy New Year!!! "Was out and about for a bit. Did not feel so good so I watched Time Square via the Internet."