Michael's Shower: Why post?
I often wonder how good of friends they are. I wonder if they are just being nicer than the next person.
See: Michael's Shower: Why post?
Welcome to my Google sponsored shower! I like to spout out the thoughts jumbled in my head, My original blog no longer exists.If you want to be able to post comments, contact me. :)
I often wonder how good of friends they are. I wonder if they are just being nicer than the next person.
I find that if I don't buy sweets, I don eat them.... all. I bought some Hershey miniatures to replace what I took from work. I can believe I ate most of them.
We went to Ocean City, Maryland last Saturday. It was fun although the water was fairly cold.
I totally agree.
I think I'll start listening to the books again.
I tried watching some of the Hulk this morning. It was hard to follow without fast forwarding. It was irritating the split screen/ multi camera scenes.
This Word document talks about William Dreyer and Joseph Edy, Grand Ave., Rocky Road, and Nestle.
"Today, Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream is a $1 billion company. In honor of both founders, the company’s premium products are marketed under the Dreyer’s brand throughout the western states and the Edy’s brand throughout the remainder of the United States. Internationally, the Dreyer’s brand extends to select markets in the Far East and the Edy’s brand to the Caribbean and South America."
I liked this movie.
When looking for information on Kraft and Philip Morris I found the article linked below. I guess they want to get away from a negative connotation of the cigarette company.
I had an About ASA flight from Salt Lake City, UT to Minneapolis, MN. I thought it was cool to go on the ground floor of the airport where the planes are... Just like in the movies or history films, I got on the plane via a stair case on the plane's door.
Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas DVD Review: "Two different computer animation production companies worked on animation for this DisneyToon Studios feature."
I had to remove a post because of my surprise birthday party. I was venting, and if the post was found, it just would not be all that great.
Young Kerry looks like Elder Rudd from my mission. I thought his real name should be Pudd, or Dudd... He was a punk in my opinion.
The other week, I was told that my friendship was valued. I have been trying to measure that value. I think she was just being nice, like everyone else. We almost never talk. I think I get more air time on her answering machine than I do with her.
It's almost been like Freaky Friday. I've had to calm down...
Awesome! I was looking up Contra when I found the secret code for extra lives.
Last Sunday was great for several reasons. When we sang A poor wayfaring man of grief, I got all choked up that I could not sing.
I just learned Melanie Carter got married a few months ago.
Have I not been saying this for ever now? Too bad I did not have a blog site when the department was created.
I recently saw the 80 minute commercial for the ride called the Haunted Mansion.
I am anxious to plan beyond July. I got little support on my Luray Caverns trip planning.
Season 5 for 24? I almost finished with the first season. I saw the end of the 4th... Is it worth watching the rest? Maybe when my Netflix queue gets down to 100.
Yesterday, some guy was very vocal during the review of Hinkley's talk. I wonder if it is hard for him to quit gambling. To me, it sounded like he wanted to justify a bunch of things. One of which was an argument about stocks or insurance.
I tried playing Dance dance revolution. It was not something I want to admit to, but too late. My niece would love it.